Mayhem, Murder And Various Other Examples of Mans Inhumanity To Man
11 Song album
Mayhem, Murder And Various Other Examples of Mans Inhumanity To Man
Kick Ass Southern Funk Jazz Blues Rock
John Amaru is enrgetic insperational Rock and Roll Infused with funk, Jazz, Blues and Country.
With a singing style ranging from bombastic to subduded he weaves gritty, Thought provoking lyrics with beutifully crafted vocal harmonies and lead guitar that emotionally reflect the lyrics.
Whether he's telling the story of his times or our times, he makes no appolgies for offense taken to his honesty.
YOU ARE INVITED to come be inspired to dance and sing along as John plays his heart out on guitar to a a Southern Funk Jazz Blues Rock repetoire!
Mayhem, Murder And Various Other Examples of Mans Inhumanity To Man
11 Song album